Action: Transhumance

Action: Transhumance

Back to a future co-habitat

As part of the 2024 Biennale del territorio svizzero, transhumance is a five hours performance where an inter-being flock of sheep and humans will retrace the now obsolete vie mulattiere between Lugano's pre-alpine pasture and its city center. As a collective gesture of revaluation of the rural and pastural surrounding, you will take part to the flock's movement across the territory, alongside the shepherd and his herding dog.

The action will take place the 4th october 2024, starting at 7:00 am in Lugaggia
To participate sign up through the google form.

All people are welcome to rejoin the group at any time during the performance.
A link with the live GPS coordinates of the flock will be shared later by mail to all participants.

An exhibition with a collection of video reportage of the performance filmed by Agnese Làposi and Andrea Bardoli, will be exposed at the Limonaia in Villa Saroli, Lugano.

Augustin Clément
Independent architect and teacher, graduated from EPFL. His work spans architecture and socio-ecological potentials, with a focus on rural conditions. After working at Herzog & de Meuron (2014-2017), he co-founded Totem Architecture in Geneva. Taught at EPFL and now in Potsdam. In 2022, he moved to Berlin, establishing a new practice with projects in Berlin, France, and Switzerland.

Capucine Fouquin
is an architect who graduated from ENSA Paris Malaquais and SciencePo Paris. She founded the FOMA agency and carries out research on overcoming the nature/culture paradigm in the field of architecture. She is currently starting a PHD on interbeing architecture in the ALICE laboratory at EPFL where she teaches the project in the 1st year.

Arianna Frascoli
Of Italian origin, she weaves together art, craft, and architecture. Graduated from the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio, she teaches at EPFL, manages conferences and exposition at HEIA-FR, and works as a freelance architect, collaborating on projects between Italy and Switzerland and being a member of the collective la-clique.

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