Back to the Future with the fifth edition of the Biennale svizzera del territorio


From 4 to 5 October, the Biennale svizzera del territorio returns for its fifth edition ready to address an ever wider and more diverse audience.


"Back to the Future" is the theme of this year’s edition, calling for bold visions of tomorrow and encouraging collective efforts to shape concrete alternatives to today’s rapidly changing world. In a time marked by continuous crises, this edition places future visions at its core, aiming to promote shared aspirations over individual solutions. An invitation, especially to young people, to express their ideas to reclaim the future. 


The Program

This edition offers a rich and varied program, blending academic discussions with more informal moments dedicated to visions of the future. Public activities such as a community walk and convivial, performative moments in Villa Saroli’s park—complete with music, pop-up bars, and workshops—will create a dynamic environment for all participants.



The institutional and Academic Core

The Biennale will be preceded by the fourth annual Congress of Stiftung Baukultur Schweiz (October 3-4), held in Mendrisio and Lugano. The Friday morning sessions, in collaboration with the International Institute of Architecture, will host critical discussions on the future of architecture and urbanism. This Congress is a key platform for professionals to address emerging challenges in urban and territorial development. Registration is required to attend the Congress; the full program can be accessed here.



Innovation, Creativity, and Engagement

Following the success of 2022, the Biennale has again proposed two calls for entries on the theme of Back to the Future. An opportunity to promote creativity and give space to young people through new perspectives and innovative solutions.

On Friday afternoon, the Consulate General of Italy will host the Call for Action, showcasing diverse actions designed to inspire change. Saturday afternoon will feature the Call for Pecha Kucha, a dynamic format blending rapid presentations and creative expression, making for an engaging and fast-paced exchange of ideas.

These moments will be enriched by conversations and round tables curated by various guests on different topics: from the future of urban heritage to the theme of reception, from spatial planning to the cyclical nature of material and spatial actions, and much more.


Connecting with the Territory

Walking along the river - Spunti per il futuro del nostro territorio, organized in collaboration with the Section for Territorial Development and Studio De Molfetta Strode, will be a moment for citizens to connect with the territory. Open to everyone, this activity aims to strengthen the relationship between the community and the urban environment. In an inclusive and interactive setting, guests from diverse fields will guide participants in reflecting on key questions about the territory


Art and Entertainment at Villa Saroli’s park

The park of Villa Saroli will serve as a vibrant hub of exhibitions, performances, and workshops, offering a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere for all. La Soleggiata's pop-up bar, food trucks, and evening DJ sets will further enhance the experience, making the park a lively space for connection and discovery.


Explore the full program here and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date.



Attendance at the Biennale events is free and does not require registration, except for select parallel events. For these, registration is required via email at

Please note that lectures will be held in their original language (Italian, English, or French), and simultaneous translation will not be provided.


The Biennale svizzera del territorio is carried out in collaboration and with the support of: Ufficio Federale della Cultura UFC, Dipartimento del Territorio del Cantone Ticino Sezione dello Sviluppo Territoriale, Città di Lugano, Fondazione Cultura della costruzione Svizzera, FAS/BSA, SIA, FSAP/BSLA, CAT, FSU FAI SWISS, Lugano Region, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fondation SOTTO VOCE, Fondazione Ingegnere Pasquale Lucchini, Fondazione del Giubileo della Mobiliare Società cooperativa, IBSA Foundation, Oertli Stiftung, Percento Culturale Migros Ticino, Fondo Swisslos, Pro Helvetia, Securiton, Veragouth + Xilema, Società Anonima San Giorgio. 

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