Afternoon session

Casa Solare, Vens, Valle d'Aosta, Studio Albori, 2010 – 2011

Afternoon session

Round Table Redefining the housing question(s): four European perspectives
Housing holds for the largest energetic impact of the building sector and is strongly tied to real estate investment, especially since the 1970s. In this context, the necessary architectural and construction paradigm shift in the light of the environmental crisis, must undoubtedly question both housing design and its production mechanisms. To this end, this round table proposes to discuss alternatives to the dominant real-estate model through the experimental research and practice of four European offices. How contemporary dwellings can respond both to the limits of resources and to the evolution of forms of living? How to think differently in terms of resources, typologies, and real-estate processes? How can we evolve towards housing models that are architecturally qualitative, financially affordable, and constructively and socially sustainable?

Isabel Concheiro is an architect, editor and researcher. She is the deputy director of the master program and senior lecturer at the school of architecture of the HEIA Fribourg, and editor of the architectural platform TRANSFER.

Focus "Respirer, conspirer"
Une atmosphère assez irrespirable est en train de devenir notre milieu ordinaire. Il est temps d’affirmer comme l’a fait Achille Mbembe ‘‘un droit universel à la respiration’’. Mais ce droit à la respiration n’est pas seulement le droit de respirer dans des milieux dépollués ; c’est le droit à une vie respirable, une vie à laquelle tenir. Pour respirer en effet il faut de l’air, mais il faut aussi toute une qualité de liens, de paysages, d’avenirs, beaucoup d’autres vivants avec qui respirer. Respirer-avec : ‘‘conspirer’’. On sait combien ce mot est aujourd’hui compromis, étouffant même. Il est urgent de le détoxiquer pour le faire résonner sur une nouvelle portée collective.

Marielle Macé is a philosopher and writer. Director of research at the CNRS, former resident at the Villa Médicis, she teaches literature at the EHESS. Her books include: Styles. Critique de nos formes de vie (Gallimard, 2016), Nos cabanes (Verdier, 2019), Parole et pollution (AOC, 2021).

Casa Solare, Vens, Valle d'Aosta, Studio Albori, 2010 – 2011

Flexibles Wohnhaus, Basel, Stereo Architektur, 2018-2021

Proto-habitat, Frédérique Barchelard and Flavien Menu - Wald.City, 2020

vacancy – no vacancy. Ein performatives Haus der Zukunft, ETH Zurich, Professor Mosayebi, 2018-2022

Marielle Macé, «breathe in / speak out», exposition Étincelles/Scintille (Villa Médicis, 2022, photographie de Daniele Molajoli)

Flexibles Wohnhaus, Basel, Stereo Architektur, 2018-2021

Proto-habitat, Frédérique Barchelard and Flavien Menu - Wald.City, 2020

vacancy – no vacancy. Ein performatives Haus der Zukunft, ETH Zurich, Professor Mosayebi, 2018-2022

Marielle Macé, «breathe in / speak out», exposition Étincelles/Scintille (Villa Médicis, 2022, photographie de Daniele Molajoli)

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